Hell Roarin' Print Shop

Hell Roarin' Print Shop
1897 Chandler & Price at the Museum's Print Shop

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

She prints again!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the C&P is returned to her former glory. With the help of my friend and talented artist BT Livermore (http://btlivermore.com/) we cranked out 4 seperate editions over 3 and 1/2 days!

I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story.

"Blue Skies & Cow Pies"
The type with some great Copper ink on it

BT choosing some wood type
Brand spankin' new ink alongside some of the oldies
"Let er Buck!"
Spring green on the press, the rollers from Ramco are some serious Cadillacs (aka, so smooth!)
"Cigarettes, Scooters, Salads, & SAX"
Day-glo orange is actually seen here glowing in the dark
BT is printing the last color on the "Cigarettes, Scooters, Salads, & SAX" print

Be sure to pick up a copy of BAM's June issue to read more about the collaboration & about the print shop. https://www.facebook.com/butteartsmonthly/

I'm having a lot of fun in the Hell Roarin' Print Shop, and there will be a lot more prints to be made in there this summer.
